Learn How to Attract the Right Person at the Right Time and Experience the Soulful, Loving Relationship You’ve Always Wanted
True love is one of the greatest joys in life. We all want to experience the kind of love that lights up our heart and inspires us to be the best person we are capable of being. When we meet and fall in love with the right person at the right time, things just seem to fall into place and all feels right with the world!
If you’re like most people I talk to, you long to have a partner who not only adores you, but “gets” you at a very core level. You dream of being in a relationship where you feel cherished, respected and valued. You don’t want to waste precious years of your life struggling to make it work and to good enough for someone who will ultimately disappoint or hurt you.
As fulfilling and intoxicating as love is, it can also be very mysterious and frustrating…
You may wonder why you’re drawn to certain people but not others. You seem to fall in love when it feels most unstable and tumultuous. Or, you meet someone and immediately something incredible awakens within you, and you’re hopeful. But they don’t feel the same way, or they’re not available when you are.
There are reasons why these situations keep happening, and while it may feel completely mysterious to you, the reasons are very obvious when seen in your chart.
In my practice, I am most often asked these questions:
- I’m single and dating, and I’m trying hard to meet people, but nothing seems to work out. Either I’m into them and they’re not into me, or they pursue me and I could care less. Why can’t I find someone I’m compatible with? I’m starting to feel hopeless and I wonder if I’ll end up alone.
- I feel as if every bad breakup is teaching me some “lesson” I need to learn. I am trying to stay conscious, but I find myself going through the same problems with the same kind of person, over and over, no matter how different they seemed at first. Am I doomed to keep repeating the same bad patterns?
- I’m in a relationship and having a hard time getting my needs met and my feelings honored. I feel very alone and disconnected from my partner. What can I do or say to improve my relationship and fix this mess?
What I tell my clients is the same thing I tell anyone who comes to me for a consultation:
All of these love challenges can stem from either a lack of compatibility, relationship capacity or wrong timing—and can usually be quickly seen in your chart!
For example, if your chart reveals that you and your partner lack compatibility, one way to get unstuck and regain balance and happiness is if you know specifically the areas where you need to shift your understanding of your partner. You’ll be able to predict where potential problems could crop up, and how to deal with them.
If it’s shown that you or your partner lack relationship compatibility, you can be madly in love and attracted to one another, but you may never have what it takes to create a lasting relationship. And if the stars show that the timing isn’t right, no relationship will feel right or work out, no matter how hard you may try.
Some relationships are destined to be smooth, others are destined to be filled with challenges. People often blame themselves for the problems, and in some instances that can be true. Other times, the problems can be due to circumstances beyond either partner’s control.
When it comes to finding and keeping the perfect partner and experiencing great love, the ancient Indian secrets of Vedic astrology and Ayurveda can help you discover more about yourself and that special someone, enabling you to attract and create a beautifully connected and soulful relationship, no matter how much bad luck you’ve had in the past and how hopeless you feel now.
It can also help you get in sync with the predetermined timing of your love life, so that you know when to give yourself wholeheartedly to the possibility of romance, and when to hold back and focus on developing other aspects of your life. In fact, I am often contacted by clients who are in challenging cycles in their lives, often in a “dark night of the soul” where nothing seems to be working. I help you to understand why this is happening, and how to make the most of these important cycles.
How the Ancient Arts and Sciences of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) and Ayurveda Can Help You Find ~ and Keep ~ True Love
As an astrologer with more than 20 years of experience in the natural healing field, I’ve counseled hundreds of clients on the celestial factors essential for healthy, loving relationships.
Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, is the oldest form of astrology practiced, differing from Western Astrology because it uses the Sidereal Zodiac. Stunningly accurate, it reveals what the “astrological weather” will be in your life.
A Jyotish consultation can reveal:
• Your or your partner’s relationship capacity – know your relationship blind spots, so that you don’t become stuck in unhealthy patterns that are often difficult to break.
• How you approach relationships and life in general – along with your ability to weather the storms of a relationship and how you show up when inevitable challenges appear.
• What specifically you need to do to improve your relationship, so that you can end the misunderstandings and tension and regain the affection and trust to make your relationship strong.
• The timing of your love life and the more likely times when you’ll meet significant others, which can save you years of heartache that comes from falling for the wrong person at the wrong time.
• The level of compatibility between you and your partner, and how to leverage the aspects of your relationship that will intensify your attraction and make your love strong, and how to relax about areas that can be a source of friction.
• Your purpose, or what you’re supposed to do in life, and whether or not you’re separated from your true identity (which usually shows up as a spiritual crisis or a “dark night of the soul”).
•Your chart can reveal your internal psychology more quickly and effectively than years of therapy, so that you can address your core issues and self-actualize to live the life you dream of.
Ayurveda is a system of health care devised by Indian scientists and philosophers. It is a holistic assessment of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person’s life. Knowing your Ayurvedic “body type” will give you great insight into your or your partner’s personality traits, and will show you how to get along with virtually anyone, even if it’s shown that you have very different inherent personalities. (Click here to learn more about Ayurveda.)
An Ayurvedic consultation can reveal:
• How your or your partner’s body “type” affects your relationship—including things like temperament, sexual appetite, emotional patterns and cravings—so you can learn effective strategies for getting along when challenges arise.
• Which daily and seasonal routines will be the best to keep you in balance, and how to best maintain or improve your health.
•How to understand yourself and your partner on a much deeper, more profound level than ever before.
•Which foods and drinks will help you regain and maintain the balance of your unique body type.
•How to lose weight with Ayurveda
Here’s How a Consultation Works
When you schedule an appointment for a Vedic Astrology consultation, I’ll need to know your and/or your partner’s birthdate, birth place (city, state, country), and exact birth time. This information is critical in order to offer an accurate reading, because two people can be born on the same day in the same city, but their charts will be different depending on what time of the day they were born. That can change the entire outcome of the reading.
You can obtain this information through a birth certificate, public records, or by asking your mother or other family member. If you do not know your exact birth time from your birth certificate, or from a family member’s memory, please let me know so that we can schedule a rectification of your birth time.
Once I have your information, we can discuss what your questions and needs are, so that you can have the most accurate insight into your specific situation. Each one-on-one consultation is completely personalized for you.
To schedule an Ayurveda consultation, I will email you a questionnaire that you will fill out prior to your two-hour appointment.
“Richelle is that rare astrologer who combines both a beautiful heart and depth of compassion, with amazing wit, life experience, and solid skills to truly encourage her clients to have the right understanding of who they are and why they’re here – and what the heck to do now and in the future to make things be as good as they can possibly be. Her ability to communicate heady, deep subjects in a light, encouraging, wise, and responsible way leads to the right decisions, peace of mind, and vastly improved life we all long for. In short, she rocks.” ~Carol Allen, Vedic Astrologer
“I have had the pleasure of experiencing an Ayurvedic Astrological Reading from Richelle Jarrell and I was astounded. Her accuracy and intuitiveness were extremely revealing. The information I received has been very beneficial for me to receive clarity on some big decisions moving forward, and to understand why certain circumstances in my business and personal life have occurred. She also gave me a nice roadmap for some wonderful happenings to come. I highly recommend that you work with Richelle. You will love her!” -Allison Maslan, Allison Maslan International
“Through this process I was able to face my self-loathing and acknowledge my perfectionism and other self-sabotaging behaviors. All in all, I can say I’m happier now than I have been in a very long time. [My husband] and I have found a new joy in our relationship and we are really starting to connect in a way that is far beyond our prior relationship. I have had a lot of therapy in my life, yet our time together ( and Vedic Astrology) has helped me reach a level of understanding in a short amount of time that traditional therapy would have taken years (if ever) to achieve. ‘Love yourself and know peace’….thank you very much for your help in getting me to a point where I can believe this to be true.” -Anonymous, Colorado
“I immediately saw a correlation between my chart and the patterns I kept repeating in my life, as well as why I kept attracting the wrong partners.” -Beth, Chicago, IL
“Although in my heart I knew that I had met the woman I wanted to marry and spend my life with, it was helpful to receive insight about how our two charts compared. It helped to spell out how we were compatible, areas to be mindful of, and what is in store for us. It was amazing how accurate Richelle was with the past, present, and so far the future!” – K.F., France
“Richelle, you touch my heart. Twice now I have had bigger, deeper questions than I can ever explore, but with the grace of God giving you your gifts and my being brought to you to heal, I pray that others who need balm for their soul will find their path to you. Your knowledge of Vedic is so thorough. I am amazed how it is much more accurate than western astrology. Understanding it, from your educating me, has helped me be at peace when there are big shifts in the planets. As evidenced by my calling you during two events, I did not know about the planets’ shifts, I only knew my life was turning upside down. Sometimes just an understanding of the influences is enough to bring peace to my heart. You have helped me understand and you have helped me find peace in my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you…I am grateful for ALL of your gifts!” – Anonymous
“Because you explained WHY my life is going the way it is, I feel less struggle and sadness and less need to find the parent to blame and forgive, I feel…it’s hard to explain, but validated, relieved, and actually LIGHTER.” -Tiffany, CA
“I was most impressed with the accuracy and sensitivity of the reading Richelle gave me…it was almost as if she had known me for years…” – Kathy Gehlken, MA, CMP, RYT Individualized & Interdisciplinary Wellness Coaching Ayurveda, Nutrition, Massage
“The chart Richelle prepared for me and our ensuing discussion helped make sense of so much that happened over the last few years and prepared me for the future. I left the session feeling ready to make the most of the advantages and challenges ahead of me.” -M.L., Fresno, CA
“Richelle’s ability to hold the space of wisdom, love and healing for Vedic astrology is phenomenal. My consultation revealed profound insights into my life allowing me to see things from a much bigger perspective with a better understanding of myself. I highly recommend everyone experience Richelle’s gift for themselves.” – D.E., Healer
“I have been doing better with my diet… I feel more deeply committed to my practice and the teaching. Overall (everyone in) my house is eating healthier…I think it took the process of this detox to really step back and see the affect diet, and my (work/food habits) have had on my life.” – D.L., Neponsit, NY
“You helped me to find hope in what was to me a hopeless situation and to understand why my life had progressed the way that it had – that it was not all my fault and I really appreciate that!!” – K.W.
“You put all of my thoughts, feelings, and hunches into personality traits and patterns. Even though this has been a very trying time for me, there is some peace from feeling validated and understood. I am no longer taking on all of the responsibility of the situation. It is a relief knowing this is not all my fault. It was very interesting learning about myself and how I interact with others and how they might perceive me. Even though I was desperate for my relationship to work, I feel like I am not crazy! Despite our strong compatibility and capacity, it was powerful, learning what I knew deep down inside, that my guy was ‘truly a handful!’ Thank you again for your expertise.” -Anonymous